Recently Let

Unit 2 Catherine Street, Warrington, WA5 OLH

£155.00 / per week


Unit 2 Catherine Street, Warrington, WA5 OLH


  • Prime location in the heart of Warrington Town Centre
  • Suitable for multiple uses subject to the relevant planning
  • Warehouse and office space



The premises are located off Bewsey Road approximately ¾ mile from Warrington Town Centre and close to the A49 Winwick Road which gives easy access to both the M6 and M62 motorways.



Please see page 3 of the brochure for total accommodation


Terms of Lease

The premises are to be offered by way of a Licence Agreement for 12 months or by way of a new Lease from 3 years


Legal Costs

Each party are responsible for paying their own legal costs



An all-inclusive rental at £155 per week excluding business rates, telephone, broadband and contents insurance

£155 per week
