Recently Let

Unit 5 Palatine Industrial Estate

From £4,500.00 / per annum


An opportunity to rent an office on the popular Palatine Industrial Estate, off the main A49 Wilderspool Causeway some half a mile from Warrington Town Centre. The A49 is the main main arterial route linking the town centre to Junction 10 of the M56 motorway 3 miles further south. A detached two storey building within an established and popular industrial estate. The offices have painted plaster walls and heating with the benefit of communal kitchen and toilet facilities. The office suites are available from 150 sq.ft ( 13.93 sq.m). The suites are available on flexible terms at a commencing rental of £15.00 per sq.ft, inclusive of water, electricity, repairs and building insurance.

From £4500 per annum
